Smallest Window Managers

We have a new winner for smallest window manager - TinyWM!
And a neat comparison at the same site. Not including IceWM, JWM or FVWM, any stats on those appreciated!

Suckless Philosophy

Home of wmii and dwm

Image Organisers

(0.7Mb) GQview (Cross platform)
(1.0Mb) Fotoxx (Linux)
(3.4Mb) Xnview (Cross platform)
(1.1Mb) Irfanview (Windows)
(2.5Mb) imgv (Cross platform)
(?.?Mb) imgSeek (Cross platform)

Knoppix 6 uses LXDE

Knoppix 6 has been released and has dropped KDE in favour of LXDE.

Installing software in Slitaz

How to install software in Slitaz
1. Click on the XTerm icon at the top of the screen.
2. Type tazpkg recharge to update the list of packages.
3. Type tazpkg search to search for a package.
3. Type tazpkg get-install and the name of the software you want to install.
Slitaz uses packages with the extension .tazpkg. If the software you want isn't available download the source code then
1. Click on the XTerm icon at the top of the screen.
2. Type tazwok cook and the name of the software you want to compile (may take a while).

# get-flash-plugin ....... install flash plugin for firefox.

# tazpkg get-install abiword ....... install abiword

# tazpkg get-install gimp ....... install GIMP

# tazpkg get-install lame ........ lamp encoder for mp3 player.

# tazpkg get-install xine ........ Video player.

# tazpkg get-install kino ........ movie maker / player.

In every case the dependencies will be checked and if required will be installed

See the Tazpkg manual for more info.